Momma Bear

Momma Bear


One of my more memorable experiences was a day trip we made to Katmai National Park in Alaska to photograph coastal grizzly bears. It took a lot of planning and a diet competition to make sure the group could make the plane journey in cessnas with all of our gear. Once we landed on the beach, it wasn’t long before we found a mother grizzly bear and 3 cubs fishing in the river that empties on to the beach. As our guides instructed, we stayed in a tight group and the bears amde their way down the river towards us. Not really caring that we were there, they made there way towards on their way to the beach. Soon they were so close, I couldn’t even focus on them with my Nikkor 180-400. For a second, momma bear stopped and seemed to look right at me with a pose before wandering on. Taken with the Nikon Z 7 with Nikkor 180-400.

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